2020 CMS Annual Report
THANK YOU, FRIENDS OF CMS You helped enhance the OVERALL EXPERIENCE for all 528 Athena and Stag student-athletes in 2019-20 through:
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Being an Athena defined everymoment of my experience at CMC. Getting to play gaveme focus, self-discipline, and a rigorous schedule inwhich time-management became the key. While these lessons andmore helped me succeed on the field, they shapedme into a successful student-athlete and graduatewho left educated in all aspects of life.” - LUISA VALLES ‘20 (LACROSSE) Being a part of themen’s tennis teamhas been one of themost rewarding experiences that I could have ever asked for. The team’s unique bond gaveme some of my closest friendships and providedme a great support system. I also had the opportunity to growas a leader and develop skills through tennis that will be able to translate tomy life outside of it, thanks to Coach Settles’ leadership. The best part is, I will always be able to stay closely connected to the CMS family through the Ducey Cup alumni event which Coach Settles organizes each year.” - NIKOLAI PARODI ’20 (TENNIS) My experience as a CMS student-athlete has meant more tome than I could have ever imagined enteringmy first year. It has been extremely exciting and rewarding to seemy growth as a student in the classroom, as a player on the court, and as a personwithin and outside of the CMS community. The relationships I have built with peers and teammates, the lessons I have learned through challenge and triumph, and the character I have developed over the past four years will staywithme throughout my lifetime.” - LAUREN LONGO ‘20 (BASKETBALL) THE 1946 CHALLENGE The outpouring of support during the second annual Day of Giving greatly impacted CMS and its 21 teams and enhanced program support in team travel, equipment and other key student-athlete services. 875 DONATIONS (RECORD HIGH) $209,498 RAISED (RECORD HIGH) SAVE THE DATE: FOR THE THIRD ANNUAL 1946 CHALLENGE ON OCT. 14-15 AND SUPPORT CMS ATHLETICS AND YOUR FAVORITE ATHENA OR STAG TEAMWITH A DONATION.
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